2. Run-ups into wind were quick and simple with the aid of the glass cockpit symbols. 在玻璃化座舱的符号协助之下,很轻松的,我们很快的顶风进入跑道。
3. Yet IBD research shows that winning stocks start their big run-ups at or near 52-week price highs. 但IBD研究显示表现优异的股票通常是在或者是接近其52周高位的价格开始其主升浪。
4. Higher haircuts might dampen the initial run-ups, but they could also dampen the subsequent fallouts when tides turn. 加大折幅可能会抑制最初的涨幅,但当市场转向,它们也能抑制随后的跌幅。
5. Better rhythm characteristics in final four steps of run-ups shows, but the time of step with soars are short partially in the overall. 最后四步助跑节奏,表现出较好的节奏特点,但步长和腾空时间偏短。