1. Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers. 买主们想方设法从他们那些供应商那里获取无息赊购。
2. But such ruses are not enough. 但是这样做还不够。
3. Li Dian warned, “I fear this is one of the ruses of Zhuge Liang. 李典曰:"此恐是诸葛亮之诈谋,不可轻进。"
4. In the first, participants were subjected to one of social scientists' favourite ruses: the apparently pointless task. 首先,参与者作为被试参与了一项明显无目的性的任务--这是社会学家钟爱的伎俩(目的在于去除参与者的主观意识对试验结果的影响)。
5. It's likely that such ruses work because it made evolutionary sense to copy neighbours, to avoid danger or find food and shelter. 这些手段之所以有效可能是因为模仿别人有进化上的意义——躲避危险或者寻找食物和栖身之所。