1. Figuring himself a franchising whiz, Katz got into gyms, executive recruiting, dentistry, hair salons and cosmetics. 自视为特许经营奇才的 Katz 进入健身房,主管招聘,牙科,美发沙龙和化妆品行业。
2. Restaurants,on Sunday,are family salons. 星期天的酒楼,是家庭的沙龙。
3. Restaurants, on Sunday, are family salons. 星期天的酒楼,是家庭的沙龙。
4. Clothing Stores & Salons: Millions of us will feel less than 服装店和发廊:看着那些浑身名牌的女人们在大荧幕上昂首阔步,成千上万的女人们觉得自己还不够漂亮;
5. Fashion, she points out, was historically sold through intimate salons. 她指出,历史上,时尚业都是通过人们亲密的沙龙来实现销售的。