1. Without sanctifying grace nobody can gain eternal life. 没有宠爱,谁也不能得常生。
2. Depicts the sanctifying grace of God, providing daily cleansing from the defilement of sin. 象征神使我们成圣的恩典,使我们每日从罪中得洁净。
3. So although holiness derives from god, humans have a crucial role to play in sanctification, in sanctifying the world. 尽管神圣源于神灵,人类在将世界神圣化的过程中,扮演者重要的角色。
4. This essentially denies both the need for any sanctifying of the saints, and the means of ministering that sanctification or perfection. 这就根本上否定了圣徒有任何关于成圣的需要,并且否定了为使人得以成圣与完全所做服事的方法。
5. I believe that divorces are increasing because in many cases the union lacks that sanctifying benediction that flows from keeping the commandments of God. 我认为离婚旳个案会因为缺少神圣旳祝福而增加,那祝福是来自不断遵守神旳戒命。