1. Obama would do well to avoid such scapegoating. 奥巴马将会做得更好,不会成为那样的替罪羊。
2. Scapegoating. You imply that the other person is defective or inadequate. 暗示他人是有缺陷和不足的。
3. So, though scapegoating works, beyond a certain point it gets rather costly. 所以,尽管找替罪羊这招儿肯定奏效,但做得过火了的话代价会很高。
4. Washington's scapegoating of China could take the world to the brink of a very slippery slope. 华盛顿方面找中国作替罪羊,可能会把世界推向灾难性下滑的边缘。
5. So instead they are relying more on scapegoating prominent wrongdoers in the hope that this will deter others. 所以,他们转而越加依赖迁怒突出的作恶者,希望借此以儆效尤、威慑其他网络公司。