2. The world is full of schemers who are just waiting to take you for a ride. 这世上遍地是等着拉你下水的阴谋家。
3. I'm not a schemer, I try to show the schemers...... how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. 我不算个阴谋家,我是让那些阴谋家意识到,他们为掌控一切而做出的努力到底有多可悲、多可笑。
4. This is a catch all but it is important. The world is full of schemers who are just waiting to take you for a ride. 这是很重要的,这个世界充满了随时想坑你一把的阴谋家。
5. Ed Lazar became associated with the kinds of schemers who sold these servicemen rocky desert land that looked "like goat's country." Ed Lazar也开始结交这些给军人们出售土地的阴谋家们,那些地块看上去简直就像是“山羊的家园”。