1. They deviated little from the scholastics in tackling the standard problems. 他们在处理典型问题时和经院派学究相差甚微。
2. Substance is not enough, attention to circumstance is also required, as the scholastics say. 只注意事物本身还不够,还需注意做事的方法。
3. Medieval scholastics are reputed to have enjoyed debating how many angels you can fit on the head of a pin. 中世纪的哲学家们十分热衷于讨论这么一个问题,那就是一根针头上可以容纳多少个天使一起跳舞。
4. Many people aware of inconsistency present in the beliefs of the scholastics, freely discussed their own ideas . 很多人意识到经院学派的教条存在着矛盾,因而自由地讨论他们自己的想法。
5. Mind is essentially active in the same sense as the Schoolmen [Scholastics] said that God is 'absolute actuosity'. 精神是主动的,这里所谓主动的意义与经院哲学家曾经说上帝是绝对的主动性的意义是相同的。