1. The gym membership has to be one of the all-time biggest screw-ups in gift buying. 健身房会员资格一直都是送礼中最尴尬的礼物之一。
2. And most importantly, how understanding your managers are when it comes to screw-ups. 最重要的,当问题发生时,你的主管对此的看法。
3. Families still remember when their relatives were screw-ups, troublemakers, or golden children, though those roles may not affect competence at work. 家族成员会记得哪位亲戚总是一事无成,谁是麻烦制造者,谁又是家中的金童玉女,但实际上这些角色根本不会影响工作能力。
4. This time, though, he fought off his own negativity with shows of positive emotion. More important, belying his perfectionist's style, he put the screw-ups behind him and won anyway. 但是这一次他内心的积极情绪战胜了消极态度,更重要的是,他无视掉了完美主义和糟糕失败,一心一意冲向胜利。
5. Think about the number of failures, misunderstandings, screw-ups, flare-ups, arguments and disputes which occur because two people or groups didn't listen to each other effectively. 想想两个人或两个团体由于不能做到彼此有效倾听,曾经导致过多少失败、误会、拧巴、碰撞、争论还有分歧。