1. He showed up in his new office in Santa Monica, near Los Angeles, and with his small team started scribbling ideas on the "whiteboard" wallpaper. 他来到洛杉矶附近圣塔莫尼卡市的新办公室里,带领着小队人马开始在“白板”墙纸上勾画自己的理念。
2. No scribbling on the walls! 不许在墙上涂写!
3. No scribbling is allowed on the wall. 不许在墙上乱涂乱画!
4. No scribbling is allowed on the wall. 墙上不许乱写乱涂。
5. Illegible handwriting or aimless scribbling. 难以辨认的潦草的笔迹。