2. He's one of the scriptwriters on a popular TV detective series. 他是一部受欢迎的侦探电视系列片的编剧之一。
3. Because they are written by scriptwriters, Yours is written by our GOD. 因为那些事不过是编剧编出来的,而你的是上帝书写出来的。
4. Teams have even been sent to pick the brains of Hollywood scriptwriters who dream up farfetched terror spectaculars. 甚至还有几个小组被派往好莱坞,去窃取虚构天方夜谭似的惊人恐怖举动的编剧们的脑力劳动成果。
5. There is no doubt that most of the dullness of our movies is concocted in advance in the so-called heads of the so-called scriptwriters. 毫无疑问我们的电影里的那些无趣的东西大多是早就在那些所谓编剧的所谓大脑里装配好了的。