1. Conclusion fermentation can slightly affect sea snakes. It is feasible to deodorize sea snake by fermentation. 结论发酵对海蛇的生药学特征影响不大,采用发酵去除海蛇腥味具有一定的可行性。
2. The Olive Sea Snake is abundant in coastal waters off the northern half of Australia from Brisbane in east to Shark Bay in west. 橄榄海蛇是在沿海水域丰富,在澳大利亚布里斯班北部的一半,从西到东在鲨鱼湾。
3. It is suggested by the study on the Marine poisonous pest along the coast that sea snake injury is most commonly seen and most severe Marine life injury. 我国东南沿海主要海洋有毒有害生物调研结果表明,海蛇伤是最常见,最严重的海洋生物伤之一。
4. For lack of specific antidote, sea snake injury has become a common problem for the health safeguard of sea exploration, Marine work and transoceanic fight. 由于没有特效的解毒剂,海蛇伤成为影响海洋开发、我军海上作业和跨海登岛作战的卫生保障常见问题。
5. Strong sea winds can be exploited with offshore windfarms, while waves can be converted into electricity using articulated snake-like generators. 强烈的海风可以通过海上风力发电场来开发利用,海浪可以通过铰链式蛇形发电机转换成电能。