1. Your kit should be waterproof; however, sealing your supplies inside of zipper baggies is usually the job all you need to do. 你的急救工具箱必须是防水的;不过,你通常需要做的工作就是密封拉链袋里面的用品。
2. The greatest single advance began in 1800 when a Frenchman, Nicolas Appert, discovered that he could preserve certain foods by sealing them in jars and keeping the air from them. 最大的进步开始于1800年,当时法国人尼古拉斯·阿佩尔发现,他可以把某些食物密封在罐子里,不让空气进入。
3. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. 降水往往会把细小的粘土颗粒转移到土壤的最微小的空隙中,使这些空隙变得封闭,从而形成了一种几乎不允许任何水分渗透下来的表层土壤。
4. McLaren are close to sealing a deal with Renault. 麦克拉伦即将和雷诺尔特达成一笔交易。
5. So the three way an argument can be self sealing. 所以有三种方式使论点自我封闭。