   %a    以a结尾的单词;
   ab%    以ab开头的单词;
   %ac%    含有ac的单词。
   _a_    三位且a在中间的单词;
   _ad    三位且ad结尾的单词;
   ac_    三位且ac开头的单词;
   _a    两位且a结尾的单词;
   a_    两位且a开头的单词。
4、带连字符-的单词,需含-字符才能模糊查询,如well-know需输入 well-% 。

secret word

网络 机密字;设置一个密匙;秘密单词

1. And you need maybe a secret word or a secret number to get in, but we say a pass word, it's the word that lets you pass in, so you would need a pass word, which of course also might be anything.
(上网时)你可能还需要有一个秘密的单词或数字,我们称它们为“ pass word”。 有了秘码你才能进入网络,你可以选任何数字字母或词汇作为你的秘码。
2. Now, even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge mass of ice can move—or flow, it's another word for it—it's really no secret that glaciers flow because of gravity.
3. Two men who have a secret in common, and who, by a sort of tacit agreement, exchange not a word on the subject, are less rare than is commonly supposed.
4. The secret to avoiding gas-guzzling at sea is to go back to the roots of the word "sailing" and extract power from the wind.
5. The earliest acronym I could find that I actually recognized as a word was Gestapo from 1934, built on the German words for “secret state police.”
而我找到的最早的、可以看成是一个单词的缩略语则是1934年的Gestapo(盖世太保),来自于德语词“秘密国家警察”(Geheime Staatspolizei)。