1. Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms. 超级宝贝简妮麦卡锡暗示说年轻女演员们在成名前必须忍受好莱坞不那么光鲜的一面。
2. I won't see a seedier, paunchy version of him on the senior tennis circuit a few years from now. 我可以预见多年以后,他也不会变成一个大腹便便,…的高级网球员。
3. The seedier elements of DDoS attacks showed around this time as the technique began to be used by organised criminals to blackmail and extort money from small businesses by threat of cyber-attack. 随着DDoS攻击开始被有组织犯罪以发起网络攻击为威胁成为敲诈勒索小公司钱财的手段,这个技术肮脏的一面开始闪现。