1. He is motivated entirely by self-interest. 他做事完全出于私利。
2. She was motivated solely by self-interest. 她完全是出于私利。
3. Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest. 他们目前的抗议纯粹是受私利驱使的。
4. To sum up: a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided. 总而言之:一个完全基于经济利己主义的保护体系是不可救药的不平衡。
5. I clearly had not found a way to help classes full of MBAs see that there is more to life than money, power, fame and self-interest. 我显然还没找到方法,让满教室的管理学硕士认识到:除了金钱、权力、名誉和私利,生活中还有更多比这些重要的东西。