1. We suspect that there will be all sorts of self-justifying guff from them. 我们怀疑他们会带来各种各样的自我辩解。
2. But a downgrade risks becoming a self-fulfilling (and so self-justifying) prophecy. 只不过眼下正面临的危险是降级预言的自我实现(翻版的自我开脱)。
3. Myopia in Bangladesh is now in its fourth decade - and sadly, this distorted vision has clothed itself with self-righteousness for justifying actions, no mattes how flawed they might be. 短视在孟加拉国有三十多年的历史- - -不幸的是,不管这种歪曲的镜象多么错误,它在证明其行为的正当时总是自以为是的。
4. The boldest argument for war is that the United States and other countries face the prospect of an "armed attack" by Iraq, thus justifying the sovereign right to use force in self-defense. 这次战争的最大胆的理由是,美国和其他国家正面临着伊拉克“武装攻击”的危险,借以证明它们使用武力进行自卫的主权权利的正当性。