1. He has senatorial experience in defence and foreign policy. 他在参议院期间有过国防和外交政策方面的经验。
2. The moon's Senatorial representative at the time was young Riyo Chuchi. 当时卫星的议员代表是年轻的春竹琦。
3. In the finished film, this senatorial "Fortuna" did not appear on screen. 在最终电影里,这个议会“福图纳”没有出现。
4. Dooku admired how hard he studied and the fact that he took the job of a Senatorial aide so seriously. 而杜库也很钦佩他的勤奋好学和对待助理工作的那股认真劲。
5. Budgets and projections for all the Senatorial offices, comparing them to actuals, plus other analysis, add up fast. 与实际状况相比,所有参议院办公室的预算和预期,以及其他分析都在迅速增加。