1. This is just another "sensationalist" post. 这仅仅是一个“哗众取宠”的帖子。
2. Jermaine Jackson slammed such reports as misleading and "sensationalist". 三爷对这些误导和煸情的报道简直出离愤怒了!
3. The pictures were sensationalist and could seriously disturb younger readers. 这些图片大肆渲染,会让一些比较年轻的读者们惶恐不安。
4. A top market-watcher with HSBC agrees, saying the fear of rising interest rates is "quite sensationalist." 汇丰银行高端市场观察员也同意,那些声称提高利率的恐慌的人“纯属感觉论者”。
5. Preemptively trying to shut down the dialogue by shouting at the curious is the truly sensationalist move here. 要通过对好奇者叫嚣来先发制人结束对话,这样真的是彻彻底底的耸人听闻的举动。