1. His novels reveal the senselessness, loneliness and despair of the city youth, which strongly arouses intense response. 他的小说形象地揭示了现代城市青年无聊、孤独和绝望的精神状态,引起强烈的共鸣。
2. Working with or around human remains may arouse strong feelings of pity, horror, repulsion, disgust, and anger at the senselessness of this tragedy. 处理这些尸体,或者被这些残骸围绕着进行工作很可能使你对这场悲剧的疯狂感到悲悯、恐惧、反感、厌恶和愤怒。
3. OUTSIDE the burns unit of Safdarjung hospital in Delhi, a family of grim-faced mourners encapsulates the particular senselessness of war on the subcontinent. 在德里的萨夫达君医院(Safdarjung hospital)的烧伤部外,神色凝重、默默哀悼的一家人向世人讲述了印度次大陆上这场特别愚蠢的战争。
4. According to Schopenhauer, existence is the expression of an insatiable, pervasive will generating a terrible world of conflict and suffering, senselessness, and futility. 叔本华认为,存在是一种无所不在,贪得无厌的意志的表象,这种意志产生了一个充满矛盾、痛苦,没有丝毫感情和意义的恐怖世界。