1. The mangrove forest also sequesters carbon dioxide in its root system. 红树林的的根系可以起到隔绝碳的作用。
2. The forest provides lumber, habitat and freshwater and it sequesters vast amounts of carbon. 森林可以提供木材、动物栖息地和淡水,还能储备大量的碳。
3. The wood sequesters carbon and provides a low-tech approach to achieving a high-performance building facade. 木材把炭封存起来并用一种低科技的方式来达到一个高性能的建筑立面。
4. For example, the carbon-negative Ferrock cement is stronger than the Portland variety and sequesters carbon dioxide as it hardens. 例如,碳水泥比波特兰品种更能避免二氧化碳硬化。
5. Characters: Sequesters minerals which can interfere with soil removal or react with alkaline builders. Prevents yellowing or graying caused by soil redeposit. 特性:螯合水中矿物质,以防止其与清洁剂中的有效成份发生反应布影响去污能力,避免布件发灰、发黄。