1. This serenity arose in part from Rachel's religious beliefs. 这种平和部分由于雷切尔的宗教信仰。
2. I had a wonderful feeling of peace and serenity when I saw my husband. 我看到我的丈夫就有一种平和安详的美妙感觉。
3. The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city. 那家旅馆远离闹市,是一个幽静安谧的好去处。
4. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can change; and wisdom to know the difference. 主啊,请赐予我安详,接纳我不能改变的事物;请赐我勇气,敢于改变我可以改变的事情;并赐予我智慧,认识这两者的差别。
5. The serenity, though, is illusory. 然而这幅平静却仅仅是一个幻觉。