1. Lindiwe is 28 and lives in a shanty town in southern Africa. Lindiwe今年28岁,生活在非洲南部一个贫穷的小镇上。
2. After the shanty town was torn down, these residents moved into good houses. 棚户区拆迁后,这些居民终于住上了好房子。
3. A trip through the shanty town brought home to me just how poor the people are. 棚户区之行是我深切地感到那里的人民是何等的贫穷。
4. We passed through the shanty town and it was the first time I had come face to face with real poverty. 我们穿过了棚户区,那是我首次目睹了真正的贫困。
5. 29a man delivers water from a water tank in shanty town Pamplona at Villa Maria del Triunfo, near Peru's capital Lima, March 20, 2010. 2010年3月20号,靠近秘鲁首都利马,德尔尼·特里温福,潘普洛纳棚户区一名男子将水箱中的水装进水桶。