1. Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work . 为了这项工作,步兵部队和装甲师都配备了近程中队。
2. Why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft? 为何中国需要或者希望得到这种短程隐形战机?
3. But ask yourself: why would China need or want a short-range stealth aircraft? 但你问问自己:中国会需要或者想要一种短程的隐形飞机吗?
4. One in five new cars added to club fleets is electric; such cars are good for short-range, urban use. 每五辆加入俱乐部的新车中就有一辆是用电驱动的,这样的车适合短距离驾驶,在城市中使用。
5. It is found that, reverse to common idea, the short-range is notpreferable for the stability of icosahedral clusters. 我们发现,与通常所认识的不同,短程势并不利于二十面体团簇的稳定。