1. The present world is the one full of passion as well as volatility and showiness. 当今天下是一个热情洋溢的世界,也是一个浮华躁动的世界;
2. The present world is the one full of passion as well as volatility and showiness. 当今天下是一个热情洋溢的世界,也是一个浮华躁动的世界;
3. His superstardom and simplicity seem surprising in a city so consumed by flash and showiness. 他的明星魅力和简朴在这个如此光怪陆离和奢侈浮华的城市中显得是那么令人诧异。
4. Profit is not aim, but means. It should become the capital for reproduction instead of the money for showiness and enjoyment. 利益是手段而不是目的,利益应该成为再生产的资本,而不是浮华和享乐的本钱。