2. People were short in those days – or else those military uniforms all shrank in the wash! 那个年代人们很矮–要么就是那些军装在洗涤时全都缩水了!
3. Astrogeologists suspect that these scarps having formed billions of years ago as the planet's surface cooled and shrank. 太空地质学家猜测这些陡坡是在几十亿年前当行星表面冷却收缩时开始形成的。
4. With the introduction of Apple's iPhone in the middle of that year, Nokia's market share shrank rapidly and revenue plunged. 在那一年年中,随着苹果 iPhone 的推出,诺基亚的市场份额迅速萎缩,收入大幅下降。
5. Its flagship stores in major U.S. cities depend heavily on international tourist spending, which shrank at many retailers due to a strong dollar. 它在美国主要城市的旗舰店在很大程度上依赖于国际旅游消费,由于美元走强,许多零售商的国际旅游消费出现萎缩。