1. The shrewdest producers have realised that this profusion of spin-offs opens up a new approach to storytelling. 最机敏的制片人已经认识到,丰富多彩的衍生剧开辟了一种叙事新途径。
2. As a matter of fact the holiest of men have been some of the shrewdest, for their friends at least, if not for themselves. 事实上,最神圣的的人群某种意义上又是最精明的,如果不为自身,至少为他们的朋友。
3. Summoning one of his shrewdest ministers, Count d'Argenson, the king asked him whether he could diplomatically unsnarl the traffic jams. 他召来手下一位十分精明的大臣阿尔让松伯爵,问他有没有办法圆滑的解决交通阻塞。
4. One of her shrewdest moves was to divide the job of deputy secretary into two, with James Steinberg focusing on policy and Jack Lew on management. 希拉里最精明的一招就是把副国务卿职务一分为二:詹姆斯•斯坦伯格负责政策制定,杰克•卢负责管理工作。
5. The industry's shrewdest move was to defuse a barrage of cases brought by individual states, aiming to reclaim the cost of treating sick smokers. 烟草业所走的最精明的一着棋则是,它就各州接踵而至提起、旨在要求抵偿烟民治病用度的诉讼与各州达成了让步。