2. Should you find yourself on the receiving end of this kind of complaining, there's an ingenious way to shut it down which is to agree with it, ardently. 如果你发现自己是这种抱怨的接受者,有一个巧妙的方法来结束它,那就是强烈同意这种抱怨。
3. You made him--you--Oh, you made him shut it. 你让他——你——哦,你让他关上门的。
4. She threw the apple into the chest and shut it to. 她把苹果扔进箱子里关好。
5. You could only get to it by the bridge across the creek; the surrounding trees and the steep bushy cliff behind shut it in like a house in a forest clearing. 他们爱它,因为要到达那里你只能走过小溪上的桥;而周围的树木和背后森森的陡峭悬崖让它看起来就像森林空地上的屋子一样隔绝世事。