1. There was something cold and sinister about him. 他给人一种冷酷阴险的感觉。
2. Even the sinister bio-mimicry of the Preying Mantis, luring unsuspecting pollinators to their death, has a beautiful symmetry to it. 即使是邪恶的捕食螳螂,它用以引诱不知情者上钩的拟态,也是一个美丽的对称形态。
3. The sinister Harrison tells Stella that she can keep him safe if she sleeps with Harrison and does not reveal what she has been told. 阴险的哈里森告诉斯特拉,如果她与哈里森睡觉,她可以保护哈里森的安全,并且不会揭露哈里森的所作所为。
4. There is another, more sinister, possibility. 还有另一种更糟糕的可能。
5. Events began to take on a more sinister aspect. 事情开始呈现较为不祥的征兆。