1. The town has a sizeable Sikh population. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。
2. Whales being sociable animals probably need the stimulus of sizeable gatherings to induce reproductives behavior. 鲸作为社会性动物,可能需要大规模聚集的刺激来诱导繁殖行为。
3. Denoma, a major consumer-electronics maker, had a sizeable decline in sales revenue for its most recent fiscal year. Denoma 是一家主要的消费电子产品制造商,在最近的一个财政年度,其销售收入大幅下降。
4. The trade is now sizeable. 如今的交易额极为可观。
5. So far, the optimists form a sizeable majority. 迄今为止,持乐观态度的人占绝大多数。