1. For example, the manufacture of microprocessors for personal computers is clearly a highly sensitive, skill-intensive process. 举个例子,为个人计算机生产微处理器显然是高度敏感的、技能密集型的过程。
2. Construction Supervision is one steps the multi-disciplinary, multi-field skill-intensive intelligent trade, is an important area of our country's construction system. 建设监理是一个纵跨多学科、多领域的技术密集智能型行业,是我国建设领域一项重要的制度。
3. The teacher advise us to combine the extensive reading with intensive reading to improve our reading skill. 老师建议我们把精读和泛读结合起来来提高我们的阅读技巧。
4. Thee teacher advise us to combine the extensive reading with intensive reading to improve our reading skill. 老师建议我们把精读和泛读结合起来来提高我们的阅读技巧。
5. Their skill set is particularly important in visual interface design, especially as it relates to data-intensive applications and some Web sites, where content outweighs function. 对于视觉界面设计非常重要,尤其是具有大量数据的应用和网站,这里内容常常比功能更重要。