1. What started as a well-conducted argument, soon developed into a slanging match. 开始时的正常辩论很快便发展成了互相谩骂。
2. But Wenger did not want to get drawn into a slanging match, saying: "I think nothing to say (in response) - I am free to shake hands with whom I want." 但是温格不希望被卷入口水战,他说:“我没啥要说的(作为回应),我想和谁握手是我的自由。”
3. Given the enormity of the US's deficit (the dotted line circle), it is little surprise that the debate on global imbalances has turned into a slanging match between the US and China. 考虑到美国面临的巨大赤字(虚线圈表示),有关全球失衡的的讨论转而成为中美之间的口舌之争有点令人惊讶。