2. We can not continue the outdoor work because it is raining (sleeting) now. 因为现在下雨(雨雪),我们不能继承在室外工作。
3. We can not continue the outdoor work, because it is raining (sleeting) now. 因为现在下雨(雨雪),我们不能继续在室外工作。
4. By then, wireless recharging will be heralded as a convenient, painless way to keep going, even if it's sleeting outside. 到时,无线充电技术将会成为行驶途中无视天气的一种方便快捷的车内充电方式。
5. When a massive star ends its life, it does so with a bang: a supernova, which sends death sleeting across space in the form of high-energy radiation. 大质量恒星结束生命时,会产生精彩的结果——超新星。超新星会以高能量辐射的形式将致命的碎屑撒遍太空。