2. Do you think of algae as gloopy green slime? 你觉得海藻像是粘稠的绿色黏液吗?
3. It was like coming out of slime on to rock—we were worried but not soiled. 这就像走出烂泥地,来到了石岩上——我们还会忧虑,但已不怕被弄脏。
4. We won't know whether such "biosignatures" are an indication of slime or civilization. 我们将不会知道那样的“生命信号”所预示的究竟是一堆烂泥还是一种文明。
5. A walking stick dipped in the glowing slime of a jellyfish, he observed, "will light the way like a torch". 手仗放入这些水母做成的黏液中进行浸泡,他观察到这样就可以“像手电筒一样照亮道路”。