1. The very slothfulness of the mind is a wastage of energy, as is the laziness of the body. 正是心灵的懈怠造成了能量的浪费,如同身体的懈怠一样。
2. He teaches with a barely suppressed aggression, refusing to tolerate teenage slothfulness. 他授课带有抑制不住的煽动性,他不能容忍青少年的懒惰性。
3. But the academic buzz around the subject isn't just a case of eggheads rationalizing their slothfulness. 但围绕这个主题进行的学术讨论并不是一群学究在试图合理化他们的怠惰。
4. When you set out from this lychee campus, please check that you have left behind arrogance, insularity and slothfulness. 当你离开这个荔枝校园,请检查您留下傲慢,偏狭和slothfulness。
5. Slick ads, at a cost of $59 million last year, portrayed exercise as cool at an age when outdoor play typically winds down and adolescent slothfulness sets in. 去年,有5千9百万美元投入到的精美的广告宣传中。 广告引导那些处于因户外活动减少而开始变得慵懒的年龄的青少年们认为锻炼身体也很时尚。