1. She took revenge on her ex-boyfriend by smashing up his home. 她通过砸烂前男友的家来报复他。
2. Believe me, we hobgoblins did our share of mischief—unhinging gates, smashing pumpkins, soaping the library windows with cartoon demons. 相信我,我们妖怪也有恶作剧的份儿——把门拉开,把南瓜砸碎,用肥皂在图书馆窗玻璃上画卡通魔鬼。
3. We had a smashing time. 我们过得非常愉快。
4. A crowd of youths started smashing windows. 一群年轻人开始打碎窗户。
5. Hundreds of youths rampaged through the town, smashing shop windows and overturning cars. 数百名年轻人在镇上横冲直撞,捣毁商店的橱窗,掀翻汽车。