1. He ordered waffles and a fruit smoothie from a waiter. 他向侍应生点了些华夫松饼和一杯水果奶昔。
2. Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Please share in the comments! 你有最爱的奶昔配方吗?请在评论中分享!
3. Blend a banana, strawberries, and blueberries into a frothy smoothie, and you've got a delicious arsenal of disease-fighting vitamins and minerals. 饮用一杯用香蕉、草莓和蓝莓混合而成的泡沫奶昔,不仅美味,它其中所含有的维他命和矿物质还能帮你抵御疾病,增加抵抗力。
4. I made a quick smoothie today that I just love. 今天我为大家做一道我超爱的奶昔。
5. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a smoothie made with fruit and yogurt is a good choice. 花生酱配果冻三明治或者用水果和酸奶做成的奶昔都是不错的选择。