2. A white receptionist asked sneeringly whether he could read. 记得他在递交大学申请的路上向人打听途径,一名白人接待员以轻蔑的口气问他是否能够阅读。
3. Critics sneeringly call the PDP the "poverty development party" and say it has "more skeletons in its cupboards than rested souls at Lagos's Atan Cemetery". 批评者戏称PD P为“发财党”并且说“在其拉各斯的总部里到处都是不能见人的秘密”。
4. Parlour! ' he echoed sneeringly, 'parlour! Nay, we've noa parlours. If yah dunnut loike wer company, there's maister's; un' if yah dunnut loike maister, there's us. “客厅!”他轻蔑地仿效着,“客厅!没有,我们没有客厅。要是你不喜欢跟我们在一起,找主人去好了。要是你不喜欢主人,还有我们啦。”
5. Like supercalifragilisticexpealidotious, it might be what they sneeringly call a "trophy" word, something somebody made up to solve a riddle, not an organic, up-from-the-streets, authentic word. 就像supercalifragilisticexpealidotious,它可能是被人们轻蔑地叫做“战利品”单词的词——有人为了解答谜语而造的单词,而不是一个有机的,从日常生活中来的,真实的词。