1. He wasn't startled to see its deformed face, either, "Snout problems are common." 他看到它变形的脸,并不感到吃惊:“猪嘴的问题是常见的。”
2. Only the females of this cold-water fish sport a distinctive Pinocchio-like snout. 这种冷水鱼中只有雌性才能变异出独特的匹诺曹似的鼻子。
3. Fossils show how the nostrils of ancestral whales moved from the tip of the snout to the top of the head. 化石展现了鲸鱼的鼻孔是如何一步步地从它们祖先长鼻子的末端跑到头顶上去的。
4. Dominic, the show-off of the group, picked up one measly pear, put it on top of his snout, and performed a balancing act as we made our way back to the cave. 多米尼克,队伍里最爱耍酷的家伙,拿起一个很小的梨子,把梨子顶在鼻子上玩找平衡的杂耍,在我们回山洞的路上捣腾个没完。
5. What led one ichthyosaur to bite another on the snout is unknown. 是什么驱使一只鱼龙咬另一个鱼龙的鼻口部仍未可知。