1. Revenue from snuff, sold under brands from Sweden's General to Timber Wolf in the U. S., gained 20 percent to 953 million kronor. 来自鼻烟的收入,从瑞典的将军品牌到美国的大灰狼品牌所出售的,增长了20%,达到了9.53亿克朗。
2. Greedy heir wait for the old man to snuff out. 贪心的继承人等待著老头断气。
3. One of these involved the anatomical snuff box. 其中一个就涉及鼻烟窝。
4. Chewing tobacco and snuff not allowed in the plant. 在厂房内不许嚼和吸食烟草。
5. Both snuff and chewing tobacco contain deadly carcinogens. 鼻烟和口嚼烟都含有致癌物质。