1. Woodruff made Coke available in every state of the Union through the soda fountain. 伍德拉夫提供了可口可乐在每一个国家的联盟通过苏打水喷泉。
2. He borrowed money and installed a soda fountain and pretty soon he had a very nice little business. 他又借了些钱购置了一台饮水器,很快他的小本儿生意就红火起来。
3. One Texas drugstore clerk explained that Mexicans, unlike blacks, were allowed to drink at the soda fountain. 德克萨斯州一名药店店员解释说,墨西哥人可以在冷饮柜台旁喝饮料,黑人就不行。
4. On the corner of 130 something and Amsterdam was a combination Pharmacy and Soda Fountain store. Mister owned it. 130号街和阿姆斯特丹街的拐角有一家综合药房兼冷饮店,老板是先生。
5. It was a great old-fashioned place, with its long soda fountain-like bar and tables covered with red-and-white checked tablecloths. 这是个很棒的老式饭店,里面有一条长长的像喷泉似的苏打水吧台,桌子上铺着红白相间的格子桌布。