1. The platform is lowered into the garage, and it is then transported to a vacant parking space by a computer-controlled device similar to an elevator that also runs sideways. 平台降入车库,然后由计算机控制的像电梯一样横向运行的装置将其运送到一个空闲的停车位。
2. I love all the empty space around the swimming platform. 我喜欢游泳平台周围全部的空白空间。
3. The size of this space various from platform to platform. 这个空间的大小随平台的不同而不同。
4. The combination of the clearer Destiny window and the WORF platform adds to the space station's capabilities for Earth science. 更清晰的命运号窗口和WORF平台组合在一起,提高了空间站进行地球科学研究的能力。
5. The platform will conduct experiments designed to work outside the protective confines of the space station. 平台将用于进行空间站保护范围外进行的各项实验。