1. He is unsteady as a newborn antelope, his arms and body shaking as muscles clench and nerves fire spasmodically. 他像一个刚出生的羚羊一样摇摇晃晃,他的手臂和身子随着肌肉的收紧而抖动,时不时地使他生气。
2. The dead marshal jerked spasmodically as the back of his head blew out, but the safety belt kept him erect in the chair. 被打死的警察后脑勺开了花,他的身体还在断断续续地抽搐,却无法挣脱安全带的束缚挺直。
3. "It's a wonderful time to be alive, " said the tri-lobed creature, its protruding feelers and antennules twitching spasmodically with anticipation. “能活着真是件好事”这只三叶状生物说道,它突出的触角和触须因为对未来的希望而断断续续的抖动着。