1. For the effect, you need to specify a size, with the horizontal size first, and then the vertical size. 为实现这个效果,您需要指定一个尺寸,首先是水平尺寸,然后是垂直尺寸。
2. It's got to be practical so don't forget to specify things like who would be involved, and the cost, and the order that things would be done in. 它必须是实用的,所以不要忘记指定诸如参与者有谁、成本、完成顺序等事宜。
3. The trick is not only to specify just one or even two dimensions of the objective, but also to understand how to help people better achieve the objective. 窍门在于,不仅要指定目标的一个、甚至两个维度,还要了解如何帮助人们更好地实现目标。
4. In the case of folktales, each storyteller would specify a particular location and time, though the time and location would differ for different storytellers. 在民间故事中,每个讲故事的人都会指定一个特定的地点和时间,尽管时间和地点会因讲故事的人不同而发生改变。
5. The more that is discovered about the intricate organization of the nervous system, the more it seems remarkable that genes can successfully specify the development of that system. 对神经系统错综复杂的组织结构发现得越多,基因能够成功地指定该系统的发展似乎就越值得注意。