1. The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn achieved that goal with spellbinding results. 《黎明之门下的风笛手》实现了目标并取得了绝佳的成果。
2. When it comes to sinister species, parsing fact from fiction can be spellbinding. 当提及到邪恶物种时,小说的解析部分就会引人入胜了。
3. The rest of the industry has gotten the picture - and it does not include spellbinding narratives. 更多其他的杂志中主要是图片---连稍微复杂一点的叙述都没有。
4. It hurtles through two hours of spellbinding dialogue. It makes an untellable story clear and fascinating. 影片通过两个小时引人入胜对话的碰撞,将一个无法讲述的故事表达地十分清晰和有趣。
5. With their spellbinding and mesmerizing powers , they could control anything and everything in the natural world . 利用他们的迷惑术和催眠术,他们可以控制自然界中的任何东西和一切事物。