1. Social media allows government agencies to spy on their own citizens. 社交媒体允许政府机构监视他们自己的公民。
2. Then, he must spy on her father, a scientist who has developed a dangerous technology. 他必须监视他的父亲,因为他父亲是一名科学家,已经研发了一项危险技术。
3. The hidden things silence revealed: a pheasant craning its neck to spy on us from a thicket, a crow hopping from branch to branch, a raccoon snoring in den. 他们指给我那些原本隐藏起来、却被寂静暴露了的东西:一头野鸡从灌木丛中伸长脖子打探我们,一只乌鸦在树枝间跳来跳去,一只浣熊在它的窝里打鼾。