1. A squiggle implies that you are too busy and disinterested in the letter. 胡乱的签名将意味着你过于繁忙并对此信漠不关心。
2. Either way, the signal ends up looking like an erratic wavelike squiggle. 无论哪种方法,信号最终看到的都是看起来像不规则波浪形的波形曲线。
3. You will notice upon using this tool that juice flies everywhere and the garlic itself is left in rectangular squiggle shapes. 这种方式会使蒜汁溅得到处都是,蒜蓉会留在压蒜器中。
4. That's because the erratic squiggle is, effectively, the sum of a number of much more regular squiggles, which represent different frequencies of sound. 那是因为不规则的波形曲线事实上由多个规则波形曲线叠加起来的,而每一个代表着声音的不同频率。
5. I was fascinated to see how my breathing changed when I was speaking-each squiggle elongated as I took a big gulp of air and let it stream out over several seconds. 看到自己说话时呼吸如何改变,真是令人惊奇:每条曲线都延长,我会先大吸一口气、然后花几秒钟时间让空气慢慢流出去。