1. There are some other alternatives that you can use either on their own or in conjunction with the service gateway to provide other forms of standardization. 有一些其他的替代选择,您可以单独使用它们,或者结合服务网关来提供其他形式的标准化。
2. Westinghouse, however, shared the attitudes of the railroads and other industries for whom he developed innovations: product development standardization, system and order were top priorities. 然而,西屋电气与他为之创新的铁路和其他行业有着相同的态度:产品开发的标准化、系统和秩序是重中之重。
3. Avoid premature standardization. 避免不成熟的标准化。
4. Standardization of policy issuance process. 保险单签发流程的标准化。
5. Standardization is therefore a big barrier. 因此,标准化是将“社会”转嫁到移动上的阻碍。