1. In such a fast-changing business, it's hard to stay on top. 在一个变化如此迅速的行业里,要保持显要地位很难。
2. Why not stay on quietly here, like us, and be jolly? 为什么不像我们一样安安静静地呆在这儿,高高兴兴地过日子呢?
3. Olmert plans to stay on as caretaker of the negotiations while Livni works to set up a governing coalition. 在利夫尼设法组成联合政府的同时,奥尔默特将留下来看守联合政府的谈判。
4. Vernon and Ann Jordan had arranged for us to stay on the edge of the oyster pond in a cottage that belonged to Robert McNamara. 弗农和安·乔丹安排我们住在牡蛎池塘边上罗伯特·麦克纳马拉的一幢小别墅里。