1. To mark with disgrace or infamy; stigmatize. 诬蔑给…打上耻辱或恶名昭彰的烙印;诬蔑收藏。
2. They both ratify and stigmatize certain behaviors. 他们都批准和诬蔑某些行为。
3. We stigmatize dependence. Our society is avoidant, in a way. 我们经常贬低“依赖”,某种意义上,我们的社会就是逃避型的。
4. IQ testing can stigmatize a child permanently, causing more harm than good, Das said. 智商测试给一个孩子永远地打上一个烙印,导致的坏处多于好处。
5. Those negative views stigmatize psychiatrists as much as prejudices against people with mental illness do in the outside world. 这些看法对心理咨询师的侮辱,其程度不亚于人们对心理疾病抱有的偏见。