1. In many other homes, this china and silver elegance has given way to a stoneware and stainless informality, with dresses assuming an equally casual Friday look. 在其他许多家庭中,这种瓷器和银器的优雅已经让位给石器和不锈钢的随意,着装也同样呈现出周五休闲的样子。
2. The ceramics fall into three broad types—earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain—for vessels, architectural items such as roof tiles, and modeled objects and figures. 陶艺被分为三大类——陶器、炻器和瓷器——包括器皿,屋顶瓦片等建筑制品,以及模型物体和造像。
3. The use of stoneware cocks is not considered to be safe enough. 使用陶制的活栓,认为是不够安全的。
4. A beautiful stoneware range which will always look sensational. 一个漂亮的炻器系列看起来总是震撼人心的。
5. Mainly bone China, porcelain, stoneware and other ceramic products. 主要有骨瓷,白瓷,炻瓷产品等。